Private Mortgages

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If you are looking to establish a private mortgage, simply call (519) 355-1434 for service, or apply for your mortgage online.

Private mortgages are an ideal choice when you aren’t able to secure the necessary funds from traditional lenders. Private mortgages are an alternative source of financing that allow for more flexibility in the mortgage criteria. Traditional lending institutions are bound by structured lending guidelines that aren’t able to accommodate unique property investments or elevated risk mortgages.

Private lenders aren’t bound by these structured lending guidelines and can finance increased risk mortgages because they tend to see a greater return on their investment. With a private mortgage lender, the home buyer has an opportunity to build a clean mortgage repayment history, helping them to secure a conventional mortgage with a lower interest rate in the future.

When a private mortgage lender can assist:

  • When you require lenient repayment terms
  • When you have high debt ratios
  • When you’ve recently experienced a bankruptcy or consumer proposal
  • When your past financial mistakes are lowering your credit score
  • When you are ready to purchase but don’t have a down payment
  • When your non-traditional or lower income doesn’t allow you to qualify
  • When you are financing unique properties, commercial deals, or seeking large renovations that can’t be financed at a traditional bank

Discuss your needs with the Chatham-Kent Mortgage Office

Call (519) 355-1434 Apply online
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